Faith In Every Student, Since 1855.
Phone: 765-647-4961
Fax: 765-647-6802
Welcome back (finally)! I am hoping for a fairly normal week this week so we can get back to our daily routine. We will do our math timed tests on Wednesdays this semester. We will also continue to do our sight word lists and homework assignments on Wednesdays this semester.
If we have a two hour delay, we will not have morning snack. By the time we start our day it is too close to lunch to eat snack.
Report cards will be coming home this week. Watch your child's green folder for his/her report card.The weather is getting cooler. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We do go outside for recess as long as it is at least 32 degrees.
Attendance is very important for your child's success in school. Please read through the attendance policy in the student handbook. If your child is going to be late, have to leave early, or will be absent from school, a parent must call or email the teacher and Michelle in the office. If you do not email or call, the tardy or absence is considered unexcused.Spelling: cave, flake, mine, shine, froze, zone, here, these, rule, cube Spelling test will be on Friday.
Reading: The reading test will be on Friday. The test will now include comprehension and the vocabulary words.
Phonics: We will review all long vowels spelled with a silent e this week.
High Frequency Words: about, animal, carry, eight, give, our
Writing: We will focus on using the verbs was and were correctly along with contractions. We will begin learning about doing simple research.
Math: We will continue working on chapter 5 over place value.
Religion: We will be working on chapter 8 and learning about Abraham and the promises God made to him.
Science: We will continue working on our physical science unit. I am hoping to wrap up our sound unit this week if the weather cooperates.
Social Studies: We will continue Unit 2, which focuses on geography. We will be learning about the continents and oceans this week.
Monday: Art
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: PE
Friday: Computer
email: [email protected]
phone: (765) 647-4961